From Quote to Invoice: The Benefits of Using a Sales Inventory Doc Writer
Sales Doc Writer handles the complete sales cycle: quote, order, receive, invoice, and inventory transfers. You can start at any point in the cycle and email, print, or just save the sales doc.
Plus & Minus assigns doc numbers to each sale doc that becomes a magnetic envelope where you store PDF documents to track the sale (e.g., drawings, specifications, testing, correspondence, and shipping bills).
Quantity queries show on-hand, on-order, and committed units in real time. In addition, you have an instant display of sales doc history for each vendor.

Sales Service Doc Writer
Sales Service Doc Writer cycle is: order and invoice. It is used for rent, lease, re-bills, time, etc.
Plus & Minus assigns doc numbers to each sale doc that becomes a magnetic envelope where you store PDF documents to track the sale. Sales service docs remain online indefinitely, so you can recall a sale to create a new doc or view its supporting PDF files.

Retail Doc Writer
The Retail POS (Point of Sale) system uses off-the-shelf hardware, and there is only one cycle: invoice. It scans items using UPC or item bar codes.

Draw Doc Writer
Sales Doc Writer Draws handles sales where payment is based on a schedule of draws. Draws can have retentions. When inspectors reduce draws, you can modify draws by issuing an adjustor draw.

Rentals Doc Writer
You use the Rental Doc Writer to enter rental quotes, orders, check out/ins, and invoices. A document contains attributes making it a quote, order, check out/in, or invoice. You can recall documents whenever needed and change quotes and orders on demand.