Plus & Minus Financial Data Management: A Complete Overview of Import/Export Options and Tools
You can import/export all transactions and supporting documents in Plus & Minus.
Three translation methods exist:
1. Direct: Excel (using Microsoft Object Link & Embedding)
2. Indirect: with CSV files
3. APIs: customizers/programming

You can import/export all debits and credits.

You can export sale, purchase, W-I-P, rental, draws, and retail documents.

Gen Chart
- You can export gen accounts, which are primarily used in budgeting and forecasting
- You can import, export all sub accounts (customers, vendor, employees, etc.) The sub chart of accounts is one file with one format, and parts of the sub master record can be imported/exported

Item Master
Import, export item master. The Item master is one file with one format, and parts of the item master record can be imported/exported.

Import Matrix
Import transactions from Excel, mainly budgets and forecasts.

Report Matrix
Create custom reports using tools available in Excel.

Plus & Minus Accounting Software APIs
Plus & Minus provides APIs to import/export all information into user-written systems. Programmers and third-party customizers use APIs to communicate with Plus & Minus.

Allows you to export customer and sales data to Customer Relation Management (CRM) systems, such as Salesforce.