This is how Plus & Minus compares to other accounting software programs

Here’s how other accounting software programs work:

There is a general ledger that contains only the master files/summary files of the programs. The detailed level of the data is contained in what are called modules. Thus, if you want to know which inventory item was sold to whom and on what date, you would have to research that in the “inventory module.” In effect, you are analyzing data at the sub-account level because an inventory item would be part of the data in the sub-accounts. Suppose you record the sale of an inventory item. In that case, that transaction is recorded in the “inventory module,” and that transaction is summarized with other transactions and sent to the master file/general ledger. This separation of data can produce problems with the balances in the “inventory module” compared to the balance in the general ledger. Someone could adjust the balance in the master file/general ledger and not perform the same adjustment at the “inventory module” level. Boom! A giant error in your data is caused by a giant error in the programming.

In Plus & Minus, the programs and the general ledger are housed together in what can be thought of as a block of programs and data. Thus, when you record a financial transaction in Plus & Minus, you record the transaction in the ONLY existing file, and that’s the general ledger file. There is no chance of error or imbalance between the master file and the “inventory module” file.

So how did Plus & Minus arrange this error-free process? It was simple: we know accounting and we know coding. The secret sauce is that we devised a programming device we call a “link,” and that is what separates the wheat from the chaff. That is what separates efficiency from sloppiness. That is what makes for an error-free, fast-performing, low-overhead accounting software program. This “link” system is what allows the user to have 999,999,999,999 sub-accounts with the ability to drill down through multiple years, multiple companies, multiple departments, and multiple accounts in order to retrieve data at a blistering quick speed. That is what allows you to cut back on the IT staff because many of your problems disappear. And that is what one would call a constant annuity at a great interest rate which goes straight to your bottom line.

 At Plus & Minus, we know what we’re talking about. Talk to us and we will prove it.