What is up with the cost of accounting software? We have gotten inquiries from people who are starving for accounting data but can’t get it from the usual suspects, such as QuickBooks, Xero, etc.
We usually start off by asking the inquirer what exactly they are looking for. Distribution? Services? Construction? Non-Profit? Manufacturing? How many users? How many subsidiary companies do they have?
Usually, the names of the other cloud-based accounting software companies come up, followed by the estimated costs to get their software up and running. One highly advertised accounting software company quoted $120,000 plus $30,000-$50,000 for “implementation consultants.” HOLY MOLY!!! What are “implementation consultants?” And why are you going to pay them a lot of money to make your accounting software operational?
At Plus & Minus, we are very interested in hearing your stories of shopping for and implementing accounting software and how accurate the estimated total costs were, as we believe there is an oligopoly of accounting software companies. Please send your comments to paul@plusandminus.com.
We are dying to hear what you have to say!